Welcome to BYU London Centre Library
How cool is it to live and study in flats occupied a century ago — if legend be accurate — by the Antarctic explorer Shackleton? How cool to learn in the streets and heartbeats of a great and exciting world city?
Use the catalog search (above) for your research and information needs. Keep in mind that the number of print titles is limited in the Centre's library. You can limit to "London Centre" holdings via the "Collections" link in the left frame.
Online resources (from the catalog and/or other pages in this guide) grant you wide access to digital titles and tools in British studies, language, literature, history, art, music, and other fields. Proprietary databases may require your BYU institutional information and a password. One example is The Economist.
Feel free to comment on London Insider Tips (transportation, food, galleries, you name it).
Contact the HBLL librarian in charge of the London Centre Library, Richard Hacken (hacken@byu.edu) if you have any questions.